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(c)Mario Golger-APG_IMG_1316.JPG

Energy security for central Upper Austria

APG is working together with project partners Netz OÖ and Linz Netz on a project called “Energy security for central Upper Austria”. The project is aimed at upgrading the existing power grid to meet the challenges of the future.

In progress

Working to ensure energy security in your region

“Energy security for central Upper Austria” is an APG project designed to guarantee a sustainable supply of electricity for the region and to support energy transition, including the electrification of the economy, industry and society. 

Project ticker

All current information about the project at a glance.

Project ticker

All current information about the project at a glance.

  • Milestone
  • Update
Milestone 16.07.2024

Start of construction work

After the Federal Administrative Court (BVwG) confirmed the positive EIA decision of the province of Upper Austria at the end of June 2024, preparatory steps for the "Secure Power Supply Central Upper Austria" project have immediately been executed, meaning that the actual implementation of the project can now begin. 

Construction work on the project will start with the first two of a total of four line construction sections and at the two substations Kronstorf and Pichling. This will be followed by expansion and conversion work at six further substations as part of the project. The supply ring will start its operation in stages from 2026 to 2030. 

More information and details in the press release.

Milestone 26.06.2024

Austrian Federal Administrative Court confirms environmental compatibility of the project

It is a milestone for the "Secure Power Supply Central Upper Austria" project and thus for the energy transition in Austria. Following the positive EIA decisions by the federal states of Upper Austria and Lower Austria in March 2023, the Federal Administrative Court has now also confirmed the EIA approval for the Upper Austrian part of the project on June 24 in the second instance. The approval for the Lower Austrian part of the project was already legally binding in the first instance.

Next steps

With this confirmation of the positive EIA decision by the Federal Administrative Court, not only has the environmental compatibility of the project been confirmed once again, but the approval is also fully consumable. There is also no longer any suspensive effect, which means that the necessary steps can now begin before the actual start of construction. These include the implementation of ecological requirements (e.g. amphibian fences), construction site equipment, site clearance and other preparatory work. As soon as these have been completed, project implementation can begin.


Update 07.03.2024
(c)Mario Golger-APG_IMG_1316.JPG

Federal Administrative Court - Hearing

Almost exactly one year ago (in March 2023), the responsible environmental impact assessment authorities, the provinces of Upper Austria and Lower Austria, decided that the joint project of the three grid operators was not harmful to the environment. However, since three complaints were filed against the positive EIA decision of the province of Upper Austria (one of which has already been rejected by the Supreme Court), a second-instance hearing regarding the two pending appeals was scheduled at the Federal Administrative Court in Vienna for March 4/5 and 7, 2024 (the approval for the Lower Austrian part of the project had already become legally binding in the first instance).

The three-day hearing was very orderly and structured. Issues included aspects of electrical engineering and the energy industry, nature and landscape conservation, forestry and human medicine. 

Milestone 21.03.2023

Hütte Süd

On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, the groundbreaking ceremony took place for the expansion of the Hütte Süd substation of Austrian Power Grid AG (APG), which is also part of the joint project cluster Central Region Upper Austria. As a new 220/110 kV hub, the expanded substation will be a central element for the decarbonization of the industrial and business location Upper Austria and thus facilitate the success of the energy transition in the region and throughout Austria without jeopardizing the security of supply.

The Hütte Süd substation is also an important part of the grid with regard to the joint project "Secure Power Supply Central Upper Austria" of APG, Netz OÖ and Linz Netz, which will make the central region fit for the future, especially with regard to capacity requirements. However, the expansion of the substation is not a legal part of the EIA procedure.

Milestone 10.03.2023
(c)Mario Golger-APG_IMG_1316.JPG

Permission Granted With Positive EIA Decision by Provincial Authorities

The province of Upper Austria, as the EIA authority conducting the proceedings, confirms the environmental compatibility for the joint project "Secure Power Supply Central Region Upper Austria" of Austrian Power Grid (APG), Netz Oberösterreich GmbH (Netz OÖ) and LINZ NETZ GmbH (LINZ NETZ).

From November 29 to December 2, 2022, the oral hearing by the EIA authority (Upper Austria) took place at the Design Center in Linz. Only three months later (March 9, 2023), the positive EIA decision by the authority is available. This decision is the result of a professional handling of the EIA procedure on the part of the EIA authority. This decision is an important milestone for the realization of one of the most important infrastructure projects in the country. It is an important contribution to a secure power supply, the success of the energy transition and the electrification of businesses, industry and society in the region and all of Austria.

The decision shows that there are no negative effects either with regard to nature conservation or from the point of view of human medicine. The authority therefore concludes that the project "Secure Power Supply Central Upper Austria" is environmentally compatible and permissible in the light of the expert opinions and the results of the EIA procedure that was carried out.

Read more about this in the press release.

2024 - 2030

construction phase

approx. 42 km

route length

Increasing electrification

The project is a prerequisite for decarbonisation in the industrial sector (including electricity-based steel production) and thus makes a significant contribution to the energy transition.

approx. 650 Mio €

total investment volume


supply-ring Connects substations of APG, Netz OÖ and LINZ NETZ in future and strengthens the region's secure power supply.


economic and living environment The switch to the higher voltage level of 220 kV enables a secure and sustainable power supply for future generations.

Project information

At present, all of central Upper Austria is supplied with electricity via a 110-kV power grid only. The current 110-kV grid is not equipped to meet the challenges of the future or to support the rapid pace of development underway throughout the central region of Upper Austria. This means that the region’s existing power infrastructure will reach the limits of its capacity in just a few years. 

Electricity consumption is set to increase significantly in central Upper Austria in the coming years. The reason is dynamic growth of the Enns-Steyr power region/economic area as well as advancing electrification and the conversion of industrial processes that goes along with this (e.g. voestalpine’s transition to electricity-based steel production). Rising consumer numbers are also a factor. According to the population forecast of the state of Upper Austria, there is a projected growth to approximately 332,500 inhabitants by 2045 in Linz, Wels and Steyr alone.

Austrian Power Grid (APG), Netz Oberösterreich GmbH (Netz OÖ) and LINZ NETZ GmbH (LINZ NETZ) are working together to transform the power grid – to make sure you continue to be supplied with electricity whenever you need it. Plans to construct a 220-kV supply ring to replace the existing 110-kV lines are currently underway. 

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

How will the project be executed?

Once completed, the planned 220-kV supply ring will link APG’s substations in Ernsthofen, Pichling, Hütte Süd, Wegscheid and Kronstorf. The system operator’s concept includes the following components:

  • replace existing transmission lines;
  • voltage conversion (from 110 kV to 220 kV) of the line sections already ready for 220 kV;
  • expansion and conversion work at a total of eight substations; and
  • work to dismantle the 110-kV lines no longer needed.

To keep the impact on people and the environment as low as possible, the new transmission lines will be installed along existing line routes of APG, Netz OÖ and LINZ NETZ. 

Will compensation be paid when land is appropriated?

Affording equal treatment to all property owners is of the utmost priority for APG and its project partners, Netz OÖ and Linz Netz.

Our power lines can impact properties in one of three ways:

  • when an electricity pylon is erected on the property;
  • when the property is traversed by overhead transmission lines (whereby only the land within the easement area through which the lines run is impacted); and
  • when forest areas are cleared.

The compensation to be paid for appropriated land (including agricultural land and forested areas) is stipulated in a framework agreement drafted in cooperation with the Upper Austria Chamber of Agriculture.

The framework agreement governs the calculation of the compensation amount stipulated in the private-law easement agreement to be entered into by mutual agreement with all property owners. It also stipulates a number of general conditions relevant to the construction and operation of transmission line systems.

The framework agreement applies equally to all land used for agricultural or forestry purposes, thus ensuring a uniform and equitable approach toward all.

How does the environmental impact assessment process work?
  1. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) comprises Austria’s strictest review and approval process. The EIA process is designed to ensure that the entire project is presented in a transparent and detailed manner and that stakeholders (e.g. property owners, local communities, etc.) and other parties involved in the process are able to inspect and comment on the project documents. 
  2. Prior to submitting the EIA, an environmental impact statement (EIS) is prepared. In addition to a precise description of the project, the EIS comprises 20 expert reports subject to review and is the main component of the subsequent environmental impact assessment process. The EIS is submitted to the EIA authorities responsible for the assessment procedure (the governments of the states of Upper and Lower Austria).
  3. That documentation is taken as the basis for the review and assessment of the project’s potential impact on material assets specific to the region, such as humans and wildlife, soil, water and the landscape. Following comprehensive review by the EIA authorities, an environmental impact assessment report is issued. 
  4. After the EIA report has been issued, an oral EIA hearing is held, which is scheduled by the EIA authority.
  5. Finally, the EIA authority issues a decision, which ideally becomes legally binding after an objection period.
How will this project contribute to the success of the energy transition?

The present network development plan will serve to establish a secure, efficient and high-performance supply of power to support the future development of central Upper Austria. It will improve the integration of renewable energy sources to make clean energy available throughout Austria.
The integration of green electricity is a crucial part of the network development plan, as it will be necessary to electrify industrial processes if the energy transition is to succeed. voestalpine, for instance, will only be able to switch to new, carbon-friendly technologies – i.e. electricity-based steel production – if it has access to a high-performance power grid.

How much are APG and its partners investing in the secure supply of electricity in the central region of Upper Austria?

The investment volume amounts to around 800 million euros.

The amount stated is the investment sum of the three project partners, which is exposed to price changes on the global market, particularly due to the long implementation period until 2030.

When is the project expected to be completed?

The “Energy security for central Upper Austria” project will take place in stages from 2026 to 2030.

Contact person


Mario Golger

Project lead

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Wien

Phone +43 664 889 45 578 Email
Foto_Stefan Walehrach.jpg

Stefan Walehrach

Project communication

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Wien

Phone +43 664 883 43 044 Email

Projekt Postfach ZROÖ

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD-Tower)
1220 Wien


Project partners

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