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European Network Development Plan (TYNDP)

Ten Year Network Development Plan

Grid expansion planning is coordinated at European level as part of the activities of ENTSO-E and ENTSO-G (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity and its counterpart for Gas). This is intended to further the energy policy objectives of creating an efficient grid infrastructure to ensure a high level of security of supply, integrating renewable energy sources and developing an integrated electricity market throughout Europe. The results of this European transmission network planning are combined in ENTSO-E’s Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP), first published in June 2010. The TYNDP 2022, which is the seventh edition of the TYNDP, can be downloaded from ENTSO-E’s TYNDP website


The scenarios for expanding APG’s and VÜN’s transmission grids in Austria, which represent different possible future developments, have been coordinated and provide the input data and the general framework. Using several scenarios for one future point in time makes it possible to create a “scenario space” that covers a broader range of future developments. For each of these scenarios, analyses are carried out for the required grid expansion so that the grid expansion projects thus identified will ideally generate corresponding solutions in multiple scenarios and hence represent robust solutions. The scenarios differ mainly in terms of the scope of renewable energy expansion, development of the conventional power plant facilities, consumption trends and the operating environment in Europe (e.g. carbon certificate pricing). 

The TYNDP scenarios are the basis for APG’s grid expansion planning. A detailed description of the current scenarios in the TYNDP 2022 is provided on the ENTSO-E website, and an overview focused on Austria is included in the Network Development Plan.  

Results of the most recent TYNDP 2022

The compilation of uniform, long-term European scenario data, market models and grid models is one of the key results of the TYNDP. However, the identification of new projects and their evaluation is also a central task of the plan. The following new projects were identified and evaluated in the TYNDP 2020 and do not form part of the current Network Development Plan: 

TYNDP project TR 325: Obersielach–Podlog (SI) reinforcement

This project was identified in the TYNDP 2018 as part of the IoSN phase for the 2035–2040 time horizon and confirmed in TYNDP 2022. Based on this, further cost-benefit analyses have also been carried out. However, the project’s long duration puts it outside the NDP time horizon, which is why it will be analysed and assessed further in the TYNDP 2022. 

Cost-benefit analysis

A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been performed for all TYNDP projects, as stipulated in Regulation (EU) No 347/2013. A multi-criteria analysis was chosen as the methodology for the CBA. This means that not all indicators calculated can be monetised. Following an extensive consultation and participation process, the methodology and the description of the indicators were submitted for approval by the European Commission and applied to the TYNDP 2022 projects. More information specifically about Austria is provided in Chapter II, and the regionalisation of the assumptions for Austria is covered in Annex A of APG’s Network Development Plan.  

The results of the CBA form the basis for the European Commission’s PCI (Projects of Common Interest) process following on from this. Only one TYNDP project can become a PCI project. All input data, reports, guidelines and results can be inspected in detail on the project page of the ENTSO-E website.  


Stephan Österbauer

Contact person

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD Tower)
1220 Wien

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