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Decentralised potential for flexibility

In progress

Provision of generation and consumption flexibility for industrial and large commercial customers for system services (Redispatch)

Redispatch refers to the short-term intervention of a grid operator in the utilisation planning of generation and consumption in order to avoid bottlenecks in the transmission grid. Due to the increasing integration of the European electricity market and the rising share of volatile renewable energies, redispatch costs have multiplied in recent years. The flexibility of conventional, thermal power plants is currently primarily utilised for redispatch. Other flexibility potential, e.g. in industrial plants, has not yet been utilised to any great extent for congestion management.

For this reason, the FFG-funded project "Industry 4 Redispatch" (I4RD) was launched in 2021 together with the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), distribution system operators and industrial companies. The aim is to enable the provision of flexibility by industrial plants for redispatch. To this end, the necessary technical, regulatory and economic requirements for the provision of redispatch are being analysed and the optimal interaction between the relevant players defined. At the end of the project, the use of industrial plants for redispatch purposes will be demonstrated in a "proof of concept".

This project is supported with the funds from the Climate and Energy Fund and implemented in the framework of the RTI-initiative “Flagship region Energy”. 

Further information on the Industry4Redispatch project in the video:


Contact person

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Felix Hembach

Wagramer Straße 19 (IZD Tower)
1220 Wien

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